SQG Equation and A Singular Integral
报告题目(Title):SQG Equation and A Singular Integral
报告人(Speaker):酒全森 (首都师范大学)
The SQG equation (surface quasi-geostrophic equation) is an important model in geophysical flow. In this talk, we will first review some recent results on well-posedness of SQG. Then, we will show the approximation relations on the smooth solutions between the generalized SQG and the classical SQG. To do that, an uniform estimate to the following singular integral will be applied, which is $T_jf(x)=K_j*f(x), K_j(x)=\frac{x_j}{|x|^{n+1-\beta}}$, where $x\in R^n, 0<\beta1)$-type and the weak $(1,1)$-type estimates of the Riesz transform can be recovered from our obtained estimates as $\beta\to 0$.