From optimal transport to the plateau problem via liquid crystals
报告题目(Title):From optimal transport to the plateau problem via liquid crystals
报告人(Speaker):Haïm Brezis 院士
地点(Place):后主楼 1124室
I will discuss two proofs of the celebrated Monge-Kantorovich theorem in discrete Optimal Transport (OT). One of them is extremely elementary, self-contained, and can be understood by beginners. I will then describe an application to Liquid Crystals, which provides an explicit formula for the least energy required to produce a configuration with assigned defects. Next I will present striking connections that we recently discovered with P. Mironescu between OT and least area formulas for the classical Plateau problem.
Haïm Brezis教授是非线性泛函分析和偏微分方程方面最有影响力的人物之一,是法国科学院院士、欧洲科学院院士、美国科学院等外籍院士。
Brezis教授还是位教学大师,他撰写的《泛函分析》教材是传世之经典,至今指导57位博士生,1位获得数学界最高荣誉Fields奖,4位获院士头衔,拥有630多位学术后裔, 大部分从事数学研究工作。2006年,被聘为北师大数学科学学院名誉教授。