Local statistics in unitarily invariant random matrices
报告题目(Title):Local statistics in unitarily invariant random matrices
地点(Place):教九 501(2024/10/25),后主楼 1124(2024/11/1)
时间(Time):2024 年 10 月 25 日,11 月 1 日 14h - 17h
We consider the local limiting distribution of eigenvalues of unitarily invariant random matrices, like the complex Wishart ensemble. The celebrated Tracy-Widom
distribution is the most important example of the limiting local distributions. We consider both the Tracy- Widom distribution and its generalizations. The main method is the analysis of orthogonal polynomials via Riemann-Hilbert problem.
Lecture plan:
1. From Random matrices to the distribution of the eigenvalues
2. Contour integral formulas for eigenvalues in Wishart ensemble
3. Universality of local limiting distributions
4. Transition between hard edge and soft edge universal distributions
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