Formal normalization and formal invariant foliation for an elliptic fixed point in the plane
报告题目(Title):Formal normalization and formal invariant foliation for an elliptic fixed point in the plane
报告人(Speaker):Prof. David Sauzin(巴黎天文台)
地点(Place):后主楼 1124
时间(Time):2024年10月23日 14:00-15:00
Classically, for a local analytic diffeomorphism $F$ of $(R^2,0)$ with a non-resonant elliptic fixed point (eigenvalues $\exp(\pm 2\pi i\omega)$ with $\omega$ real irrational), one can find formal normalizations, i.e. formal conjugacies to a formal diffeomorphism invariant under the group of rotations. Less demanding is the notion of a "geometric normalization" that we introduce: this is a formal conjugacy to a formal diffeomorphism which maps any circle centered at $0$ to a circle centered at $0$. Geometric normalizations are not unique, but they correspond in a natural way to a unique formal invariant foliation (any leaf is mapped to a leaf by $F$). Suppose that $\omega$ is super-Liouville. We then show that, generically, all geometric normalizations are divergent, so there is no analytic invariant foliation. This is a sequel—or rather a prequel—to [A. Chenciner, D. Sauzin, S. Sun & Q. Wei: Elliptic fixed points with an invariant foliation: Some facts and more questions, RCD 2022, Vol. 27], which will be reviewed to: in the exceptional situation where $F$ leaves invariant an analytic foliation, formal normalizations are still generically divergent. This is a joint work with Alain Chenciner (Paris), Shanzhong Sun and Qiaoling Wei (CNU).