Frankel property and Maximum Principle at Infinity for complete minimal hypersurfaces
报告题目(Title):Frankel property and Maximum Principle at Infinity for complete minimal hypersurfaces
报告人(Speaker):Jose M. Espinar (Universidad de Cadiz, Spain)
地点(Place):ZoomID: 941 3577 6085 密码: 794539
时间(Time):2023 年 10月 26日16:00—17:00
邀请人(Inviter): 熊金钢
We extend Mazet's Maximum Principle at infinity for parabolic, two-sided, properly embedded minimal hypersurfaces, up to ambient dimension seven. Parabolicity is a necessary condition in dimension n≥ 4, even in Euclidean space, as the example of the higher-dimensional catenoid shows. Next, inspired by the Tubular Neighborhood Theorem of Meeks-Rosenberg in Euclidean three-space we focus on the existence of an embedded ϵ−tube when the ambient manifold M has non-negative Ricci curvature. These results will allow us to establish Frankel-type properties and to extend the Anderson-Rodriguez Splitting Theorem under the existence of an area-minimizing mod(2) hypersurfaceΣin these manifolds
M (up to dimension seven), the universal covering space of M is isometric to Σ×R with the product metric.
* This PDE seminar is co-organized with Tianling Jin at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. See the seminar webpage: