Recent Advances on Spatiotemporal Imaging
报告题目(Title):Recent Advances on Spatiotemporal Imaging
报告人(Speaker):陈 冲 (中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,副研究员)
地点(Place):后主楼 1328
邀请人(Inviter):刘 君
Spatiotemporal imaging is critical in clinical applications, such as tomographic imaging of the heart or lung. As an example in PET/CT cardiac imaging, when data is acquired over a relatively long period of time (often in the range of minutes), the unknown motion of the organs leads to severe degradation in image quality. Furthermore, to reduce the radiation or conduct fast scanning, the low-dose or sparse sampling is often required. Hence, the image reconstruction with high spatiotemporal resolution becomes particularly important and very challenging. We will talk about our recent advances on spatiotemporal imaging, including joint image reconstruction and motion estimation, LDDMM consistent growth model, indirect image registration, sequentially indirect image registration. If time permits, we will further review the optimal transportation briefly, and introduce the spatiotemporal imaging using Wasserstein distance.