On the Tradeoff between Communication and Accuracy in Distributed Sparse Mean Estimation
报告题目(Title):On the Tradeoff between Communication and Accuracy in Distributed Sparse Mean Estimation
时间(Time):2023年10月27日(周五) 下午15:30-16:30
Federated learning attracts significant? attention to compression techniques whereby we can balance communication-privacy-accuracy in distributed learning. However, it has been observed that compression brings so-called “intrinsic” privacy as well as inaccuracy, blurring the focus on how compression interplays with privacy and accuracy.
In this talk, we will explicitly explore the tradeoff between communication and accuracy in distributed learning. Specifically, we will focus on the problem of mean estimation with sparsity, which serves as a pivotal problem in distributed learning for high-dimensional data. We will characterize the communication-accuracy tradeoff for both lossy and lossless estimation by proving an information-theoretic lower bound and proposing a non-asymptotic constructive scheme.
叶方伟,博士,南京航空航天大学计算机科学与技术学院教授。入选国家重大人才工程A类青年项目。2013年6月于东南大学获得学士学位,2018年11月于香港中文大学获得博士学位,2018年10至2020年12月任美国罗格斯大学(Rutgers University)博士后研究员,2021年1月至2023年7月任美国麻省理工学院-哈佛大学博德研究所(Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard)博士后研究员。2023年8月加入南京航空航天大学计算机科学与技术学院。目前主要从事信息隐私与安全基础理论、信息论与编码理论、分布式存储计算和机器学习、生物信息学、网络编码等基础理论及前沿交叉领域的研究。以第一作者身份在IEEE汇刊及通信和信息论领域旗舰会议上发表文章20余篇,包括信息论领域顶刊信息论汇刊(IEEE Trans on Information Theory)等6篇CCF A类期刊论文。