On Boussinesq’s equation for water waves
报告题目(Title):On Boussinesq’s equation for water waves
报告人(Speaker):Christophe Charlier (Lund University, Sweden)
地点(Place):Zoom Meeting ID: 912 182 48289 密码:547744
时间(Time):12月22日(周五),16:30-17:30 (Beijing Time)
A century and a half ago, J. Boussinesq derived an equation for the propagation of water waves in a channel. Despite the fundamental importance of this equation for a number of physical phenomena, mathematical results on it remain scarce. One reason for this is that the equation is ill-posed. In this talk, I will discuss a number of new results on the Boussinesq equation, such as existence, uniqueness, blow-up and asymptotic results. The talk is based on join work with Jonatan Lenells.